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University of Portland Clark Library

NRS 207: Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Health Assessment: Locating Interventions

Throughout Your Searching

NOTE: the word "intervention" does not often appear in articles about interventions.

Start by writing a short description of your goal, such as:

I would like to gain muscle in my upper body

Next, identify the key concepts of your topic, and brainstorm/use the databases to find additional terms:

Gain muscle: Muscle gain, muscle mass, muscle strength, weight training, etc.

Upper body: Upper body, torso, shoulders, upper extremity, etc.

Use the asterisk (*) to find different endings of search terms:

musc* will find: muscle, muscled, muscles, muscular

strength* will find strength, strengthening

Keep track of the useful search terms, and add to the list as you read. You can see your search history and print it to PDF to save it.

1. Search the database(s)

Put each concept of your search into a separate search box (this will find articles that include all of your concepts).

In each search box, enter all the terms you located for that concept. Enter OR between each search term to find articles that include any of those terms.

Shows CINAHL search for [musc* mass OR musc* gain] AND [upper body OR upper extremity]

2. Browse Subject Lists for Interventions

Select Subject lists linked on left-hand side of your results page, and browse for interventions.

Shows browsable list of subject headings with arrows indicating "resistance training" and "weight lifting"

3. Add the Interventions to your Search

Instead of checking boxes in the browse list, add the intervention terms to your search.

Shows above search with [resistance training OR weight lifting] added. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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