Gen 9:8-17 | Covenant with Noah (ecological) |
Gen 16:1-6 | Sarai and Hagar (gender; rape; power) |
Gen 29:31—30:24 | Rachel, Leah, Bilhah, Zilpah (power, gender) |
Gen 34:1-12 | Rape of Dinah (rape) |
Gen 37:1-10 | Joseph’s Dream (Family Rivalry) |
Gen 37:12-36 | Plot against Joseph (human trafficking) |
Gen 38:1-30 | Judah and Tamar (gender, power, deception) |
Gen 39:1-18 | Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife (gender) |
Exod 1:8-22 | Israelites are Oppressed (forced labor; gender) |
Exod 7:14-24 | Pollution of the Nile (water crisis) |
Exod 21:1-11 | Laws concerning Slaves (slavery) |
2 Sam 11:1-13 | David and Bathsheba (power, adultery) |
2 Sam 11:14-26 | David and Uriah (abuse of power) |
2 Sam 13:1-22 | Amnon and Tamar (power; rape) |
Num 5:11-31 | The Sotah (Reproductive Justice) |
Mic 2:1-5 | Social Injustices |
Mic 3:1-12 | Wicked Rulers and Prophets |
Matt 15:21-28 | Canaanite Woman’s Faith (openness and otherness) |
Matt 20:1-16 | Laborers in the Vineyard (economic justice) |
Matt 23:1-25 | Lawyers and Pharisees (condemnation of Religious and Legal Leaders) |
Lk: 7:36-50 | Woman Forgiven (gender) |
Lk 10:25-37 | Parable: Good Samaritan (hospitality of heart) |
Lk 16:19-31 | Rich Man and Lazarus (justice) |
Jn 7:52—8:11 | Woman Caught in Adultery (gender) |
Jn 20:11-18 | Resurrection of Jesus (gender) | | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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