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University of Portland Clark Library

CS 368: Seminar: Exercises

Library search tools

I. Use UP Library Search to find sources about Ada Lovelace.

  1. What types of sources are appearing in your results? 
  2. How can you modify or filter your search to find biographical information?
  3.  Are these credible sources? Why or why not?

II. Try a search in the IEEE Xplore to find sources about Ada Lovelace.

  1. On the results screen, change the radio button in the left column to Subscribed Content
  2. What kinds of sources are in the results? How are they different from what you found in UP Library Search?
  3. Are these credible sources? Why or why not?

III. One more! Try a search in ACM Digital Library to find sources about Ada Lovelace.

  1. Who is the audience for this search tool? 
  2. What kinds of sources are in the results? 
  3. Are these credible sources? Why or why not?

Evaluating an unfamiliar source

I. Apply the CRAAP test criteria to this online source about Ada Lovelace.

  • Currency: When was the information written or last updated
  • Relevance: Is the information appropriate for your needs? 
  • Authority: Credentials of author or organization providing the information 
  • Accuracy: Does the information seem reliable? Was it reviewed or edited? Can info be verified?
  • Purpose: Reason information exists (inform, teach, sell, persuade)  
  1. Would you use it or lose it as a source for a presentation (why or why not)?
  2. Which of the CRAAP criteria were most useful in reaching a decision?
  3. Do you have other criteria you use to assess the quality of an information source?

II. Use SIFT to see if this source is one you would use or lose. SIFT: Stop before you read; Investigate the source; Find better coverage; Trace claims

  1. Use the Investigate the Source step to learn more about Axios. Look it up in the Media Bias Chart or AllSides (scroll down to see list of news organizations). 
  2. What type of source is this? Would you use it or lose it for a presentation (why or why not)?
  3. What other SIFT steps did you find most useful? | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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