Need help getting started with research?
The Research Desk is located on the main floor of Clark Library. It's a great place to go to get help at any point in your research. You can ask there to meet with a reference librarian:
From left: Diane Sotak, Heidi Senior, Stephanie Michel
Other options:
Use Library Chat to ask questions from anywhere. It's staffed by UP librarians (when available). When UP librarians are offline, Answerland librarians are on chat and ready to take your questions.
Make an appointment to meet with a librarian in-person, online, or by phone to get focused help with an assignment or topic, to learn advanced skills, or to identify sources in specific subject areas. A one-on-one consultation can be a real time saver and increase your research efficiency. Learn how to make an appointment.
Email your question to We try to respond within 24 hours or less.
Try the calculator below to get a step-by-step breakdown of what you need to do, and when, so you can finish writing assignments on time. Also, the Writing Center, in the Shepard Center's Learning Commons, has resources and peer Writing Assistants to help students of all writing abilities. Make an appointment and improve your papers! | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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