This database exists to help the University of Portland community seamlessly obtain practical and research resources about equitable and inclusive teaching practices, meant to help guide instruction and scholarship. It provides searchable access to a curated group of sources and is not intended to be exhaustive. Please email the database’s curators at to share other equitable, inclusive teaching resources you think are valuable to add for UP’s community.
Use the interactive database below to browse the Resource List or search it using keywords, with options to narrow your search by academic division, discipline, type of resource, or relevant dilemmas (learn more about the filters). For a full-screen display choose the double arrow icon in the lower corner or use the direct link.
The filters are optional and will gain power as the database grows.
This database is sponsored by the UP Center for Teaching and Learning's Inclusive Teaching Scholars (ITS) program and was designed by Sophia Osuna and Michael Johnson from UP’s Office of Institutional Research. Creation and ongoing curation by Jeff Kerssen-Griep (COM, 2023 ITS), Diane Sotak (Clark Library), and Tamar More (PHY), with key contributions from David Fuentes (NRS), Terry Favero (BIO, CT&L), Naveen Gudigantala (BUS), and 20+ other UP faculty members, and counting. Reach the database’s curators at | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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