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University of Portland Clark Library

Open Educational Resources: Evaluating OERs

Evaluating Open Content to Include in a Course

There are two elements to consider when evaluating an open educational resource:

  1.  Determine if the material's license allows the "5 Rs" of usability: can it be Retained, Revised, Remixed, Reused, and then Redistributed.
  2.  Evaluate the resource for its content; ensure the content is accurate, presented in an appropriate manner, and meets goals for student learning.

Evaluating for Usability

Consider the following usability elements when you evaluate an open textbook, open course, or other open material to be used in a class.

Does the resource provide the right to:

Retain -  download, duplicate, store, and/or manage the content;

Revise -  modify, adjust, and/or adapt the content;

Remix - combine the original or revised content with other material to create something new;

Reuse - use the content again; and

Redistribute - share copies of the original content with your revisions or the revisions of others?

Is the content licensed under a Creative Commons License?  What are the conditions of the license? Does the license allow the intended uses? | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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