The Library's subscription to RefWorks is ending on April 30, 2025. Questions about this change? Please email for more details.
Your RefWorks data can be exported and saved as a file or moved into another reference manager. We recommend and support Zotero as a free, alternative reference manager. Another popular free reference manager is Mendeley - we have a guide to get people started. There are also fee-based reference managers like Endnote or Papers.
Returning user? Sign into Proquest RefWorks
Tip: Bookmark the Sign In page, or this page, as a direct link to save some time.
New to RefWorks? Create an account [IMPORTANT: RefWorks will be discontinued on April 30, 2025. Consider using Zotero instead.]
How can I get help with transitioning from RefWorks?
Make an appointment to meet with a librarian or send an email to | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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