RefWorks provides a few ways to insert citations to your sources while writing your paper so it can automatically generate a bibliography in the style you want (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). Those with newer versions of Word, Mac users, or those using Google Docs should use RefWorks Citation Manager.
RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) has an automatic content controller for citation editing. It cannot be turned off. See below for more advice on how to prevent manual edits from being overridden (e.g., page numbers added to an in-text citation) and how to change the font for in-text citations and bibliography.
1. Any manual edits made to citations inside your document will be overridden when the document is updated. It is therefore recommended to make such edits when document writing has been completed.
2. The citations and bibliography font is based on the document font (seen in the Word ribbon), and will update whenever the document font is changed. If you are using more than one font in your document, the following is recommended:
a. When document writing has been completed, apply the desired fonts to all text sections.
b. Place the cursor in text that has the font you want to use for the citations and bibliography.
c. Update the document via RCM by pressing the Refresh button. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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