PubMed is the major international database of medicine and other health science-related disciplines.
Truncation (*)
PubMed is probably not the best place to search for instruments. The records in PubMed aren't designed ot highlight the names of these tools, the database is extremely large, and the search techniques can be challenging. That said, you can look over the suggestions below should you decide you'd like to try.
The size of the PubMed database makes it a challenge to search for research instruments by topic. Like other databases, it does have fields you can search, one of which is MeSH (Medical Subject Heading). There are a few MeSH terms that may help with locating instruments. These include:
From the PubMed home page, select the Advanced link below the search box. Select MeSh Terms from the drop-down menu to the left of the Enter a search term box, and type Surveys and Questionnaires into the box. Select the Add button to the right, and then the Search button below the Add button, to submit your search.
MeSH is probably the most effective way to search PubMed for instruments by topic. For assistance, please contact a librarian.
If you know the name of the instrument, try searching for "[instrument title]" being sure to enclose the name in quotes.
Due to the size of the database, and in particular because of the way information is entered into PubMed, this is probably not the best database in which to find instruments. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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