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University of Portland Clark Library

THE 205: Biblical Texts in Global Contexts (Gaudino): Types of Commentaries

Types of Bible Commentaries

In your research you are likely to use two types of bible commentaries:

Book-length commentary

  • A book that covers 1 book of the Bible (e.g., a book on Genesis)
  • gives highly specific and detailed information

Single-volume commentary

  • 1 book has chapters covering every book of the Bible
  • gives general information, a brief overview

Biblical History

Tip for using biblical history sources:

Find the time period when your book of the Bible was written (in a bible dictionary or the introduction section of a commentary).  Then use the biblical history source to learn about events happening at that time period.

Search for Book-Length Commentaries

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Single-Volume Commentaries

Book-Length Commentaries

UP's library has many book-length commentaries on each book of the bible, available either in print or as eBooks. 

Use this search box on this page to search for the name of your book of the Bible and commentary, such as:

Exodus commentary | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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