Articles/Book Chapters:
Derrett, J. Duncan M. The Buddhist Dimension of John. Numen, vol. 51, no. 2, 2004, pp. 182–210.
Fletcher, Rosemary J. Are There Any Links between the Epistle of James and Buddhism?: An Examination of James 3:6. The Expository Times, vol. 117, no. 9, June 2006, pp. 366–370.
Kawamura, Eiko. The Significance of Luke-Acts for Zen Buddhism. Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 16, 1996, pp. 79–85.
Nicholls, Bruce. "Building Bridges from the Buddhist Faith to Jesus in the Gospels." Building Bridges: From Asian Faiths to Jesus in the Gospels. Regnum Books International, 2020, pp. 73-114.
Sasson, Vanessa R. "Exodus 1-15 Two Aspects of Exodus through a Buddhist Lens." Global Perspectives on the Bible, edited by Mark Ronance and Joseph Weaver, Pearson, 2014.
Sato, Kemmyo Taira, and Michael Ipgrave. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37): A Joint Christian–Buddhist Reflection. Current Dialogue, vol. 60, Dec. 2018, pp. 44–47.
West, Elizabeth. "Matthew 5-7; Luke 6 Comparing Buddhism's Noble Eightfold Path and Jesus' Beatitudes." Global Perspectives on the Bible, edited by Mark Ronance and Joseph Weaver, Pearson, 2014.
Articles/Book Chapters:
Jeyakumar, M. Aravind. "The Hindu Purusa-Sukta Compared to Biblical Texts." Global Perspectives on the Bible, edited by Mark Ronance and Joseph Weaver, Pearson, 2014.
Nicholls, Bruce. "Building Bridges from the Hindu Faith to Jesus in the Gospels." Building Bridges: From Asian Faiths to Jesus in the Gospels. Regnum Books International, 2020, pp. 11-62.
Shearer, John. "A Comparison of the Cosmic Being of Hinduism and the Christ of 2:6-8." Global Perspectives on the Bible, edited by Mark Ronance and Joseph Weaver, Pearson, 2014.
Articles/Book Chapters:
Aftandilian, David. "Psalm 148 and the Native American View of Animals." Global Perspectives on the Bible, edited by Mark Ronance and Joseph Weaver, Pearson, 2014.
Boer, Roland. "Numbers 22-24 as a Justification for Overrunning Indigenous Peoples." Global Perspectives on the Bible, edited by Mark Ronance and Joseph Weaver, Pearson, 2014.
Donaldson, Laura E. “The Sign of Orpah: Reading Ruth through Native Eyes.” The Postcolonial Biblical Reader, edited by R. S. Sugirtharajah, Blackwell Sheffield Academic, 2006, pp. 159–170.
Donaldson, Laura. "Theological Composting in Romans 8: An Indigenous Meditation on Paul's Rhetoric of Decay." Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry: Conversations on Creation, Land Justice, and Life Together, edited by Steve Heinrichs, Herald Press, 2013, pp. 142–148.
Meyers, Ched. (2013). "From Garden to Tower: Genesis 1-11 as a Critique of Civilization and an Invitation to Indigenous Re-Visioning." Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry: Conversations on Creation, Land Justice, and Life Together, edited by Steve Heinrichs, Herald Press, 2013, pp. 109–121. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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