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University of Portland Clark Library

THE 312/412: Jesus' Ministry in the Gospels: World In Front Of the Text

What is the World in Front of the Text?

The World in Front of the Text considers how the interpretation of the text relates to the readers' social and cultural context. This perspective may also be referred to as biblical hermeneutics.

It includes:

  • sources that relate the biblical text to the modern reader
  • sources that describe how the Bible has been interpreted at different time periods, by varying social/cultural groups, etc. (e.g. medieval or feminist biblical commentaries)

Ecological Commentary

There isn't an ecological commentary about the Gospel of Mark

Global Commentaries

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Class Activity: Find a Feminist/Global/Queer Commentary

Look up your passage in one of the following books:

Enter any relevant information you find into your document.

Look for and copy a Chicago-style citation. Check the Chicago Style Citation Guide to see if the citation needs any edits.

Feminist Commentaries

Queer Bible Commentary | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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