This study aims to assess trauma-informed practices at higher education institutions within the United States from the perspectives of faculty, staff, and administrators on campus. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.
Written Information Sheet
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Kala Mayer, Toyin Olukotun, and Erin Currie from the University of Portland.
You qualify to be included in this study if you are
18 years or older
a staff, faculty, or administrative employee at an institution of higher education in the United States.
The purpose of this study is to assess trauma-informed practices at higher education institutions within the United States from the perspectives of faculty, staff, and administrators on campus. This data will increase understanding of trauma informed practices in higher education and can be used to make recommendations in higher education.
Key Information: You will be asked to complete a Qualtrics online survey that assesses practices across three domains of implementation within your university/college departments:
Supporting staff development • Training and education: training received, knowledge and understanding • Staff supervision, support, and self-care
Creating a safe and supportive environment • Establishing a safe physical environment • Establishing a supportive environment: Staff communication and interaction, Communication, and interaction with clients
Organizational Policies and Agency Commitment a. Establishing organizational policies b. Agency Commitment and endorsement
The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
Someone like you might be interested in participating because the results of this assessment may help to improve your department and better serve the student population at your institution.
If you would like to participate in this study or to learn more about the study, please access the link here:
Or access the QR code to learn more about the study.