Tuesday, November 8, 2022 is Election Day! Use this guide to discover resources on voting including voter registration and election information.
National Voter Education Week is your opportunity to become an empowered voter. It is an open-source campaign to help voters bridge the gap between registering to vote and actually casting a ballot. During this week of interactive education, voters have the opportunity to find their polling location, understand their ballot, make a plan to vote in person or remotely, and inspire others to get involved. NVEW strives to help voters overcome common barriers to become confident voters and ambassadors of voting in their own communities for every election.
You can register to vote in Oregon if you:
Registration deadlines for the November 2022 election:
Voting deadlines for the November 2022 election:
If you are an out-of-state student, you have the option to register in Oregon or register in your home state using your home address. You get to choose, but you can only choose one.
Find out how to vote in your home state from registering to requesting an absentee ballot so you can vote while in Oregon attending school.
library@up.edu | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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