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University of Portland Clark Library

COM 101: Introduction to Communication Studies: More Literature Reviews

Remember Handbooks, Too!

This page is about locating literature reviews in specific journals and databases. Check the Handbooks page for more options.


A literature review summarizes & analyzes published work on a topic in order to

  • evaluate the state of research on the topic.
  • provide an overview of previous research on a topic that critically evaluates, classifies, and compares what has already been published on a particular topic.
  • suggest future research and/or gaps in knowledge.
  • synthesize and place into context original research and scholarly literature relevant to the topic (as in the literature review prior within an empirical research article.

Help Writing Your Review

Quick Routes to Literature Reviews: Database Search

In any database, you can add these search terms to your search:

  • literature review* (the asterisk lets you search for "literature reviews" as well as "literature review", and also "reviewed the literature".)
  • systematic review
  • meta analysis

Combine the terms with "or" as shown in the image below:

Communication Source search demonstrating addition of terms related to "literature review" to a search for (dating or man woman relationships or courtship)

Quick Routes to Literature Reviews: Journals | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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