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University of Portland Clark Library

EGR 483/484: Multi-disciplinary Capstone Project: Journals and Conferences

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1) Rekleitis, Ioannis; Bedwani, Jean-Luc; Dupuis, Erick. Autonomous planetary exploration using LIDAR data. Proceedings - IEEE ICRA '09, p 3025-3030, 2009. Kobe, Japan.

We present the approach for autonomous planetary exploration developed at the Canadian Space Agency. The goal of this work is to autonomously navigate to remote locations, well beyond the sensing horizon of the rover, with minimal interaction with a human operator. We employ LIDAR range sensors due to their accuracy, long range and robustness in the harsh lighting conditions of space. Irregular triangular meshes (ITMs) are used for representing the environment providing an accurate yet compact spatial representation. A novel path-planning technique through the ITM is introduced, which guides the rover through flatter terrain and safely away from obstacles. Experiments performed in CSA's Mars emulation terrain that validate our approach are also presented.

What type of source is this?
book chapter: 5 votes (6.49%)
journal article: 47 votes (61.04%)
conference paper: 20 votes (25.97%)
association website: 5 votes (6.49%)
Total Votes: 77


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