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University of Portland Clark Library

Getting Started with Research

Library Resources to Use for Research

As an information provider, the Clark Library offers you access to millions of information sources. The Clark Library website is your gateway to the search tools for finding them. 

Search using the Library Catalog and by using specialized databases highlighted in our research guides.

The Library also provides a selection of course readings assigned by your professors. 

Library Databases

A library database is an online searchable collection of information. Libraries pay for databases to help students find useful information that is accurate, trusted, and reliable.

Why should I use a library database?

  • Databases are highly organized and allow students to search for information on a topic by keyword, subject, author, title, and phrase.
  • The articles and other types of resources in library databases are written by experts in their field, and the information has been evaluated for accuracy before being published.
  • With special search filters, databases also help you narrow down your searches to just the information you need with ease.
  • Many databases at the University of Portland provide access to full-text content, which means that you will find entire articles, not just summaries or citations of articles.

Journal Articles - Sampling Different Academic Perspectives | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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