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University of Portland Clark Library

HST 291: US Imperialism, 1850 - Present: Books for Reviews

Searching Tips

  • Brainstorm search words and keep notes about words that could be useful. Use the asterisk (*, Shift + 8) to find different forms of words. Put OR between similar words.
    • e.g., colon* OR empire* OR imperial*
  • To locate memoirs, add this to your search:
    • (memoir* OR personal narratives OR autobiograph* OR biograph*)
  • Filters: eBooks, Print Books

Scholarly Book

  • Written by a scholar, researcher, PhD holder in the field, professor
  • Utilizes extensive primary source documentation
  • Uses discipline specific terminology, methodology, theory
  • Advances research or contributes to a discipline of study
  • May be a monograph or edited compilation of contributions from multiple scholars
  • Published by a university or scholarly association

Cover of scholarly book, The Anarchical Society, by Hedley Bull

The above book:

  • Authored by a Professor of International Relations at Oxford
  • Published by Columbia University Press
  • Written for academic audiences with familiarity with the discipline
  • Theoretical and analytical
  • Reviewed by academic journals: Political Science Quarterly, The Times Literary Supplement

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Use UP Library Search to find books, streaming videos, online resources, journal articles, and much more (video tutorial). Need help? See handouts for using call numbers to find books on the shelf and Requesting Clark Library / Summit Items online.

Popular Non-Fiction

  • Written by a professional, reporter, political pundit, writer
  • May or may not include references or notes
  • Uses language appropriate for a general audience
  • Is informational but does not present original empirical research
  • Does not require discipline specific knowledge
  • Typically a narrative or biographical story
  • Published by trade publishers (i.e., Harper Collins, Random House
  • Might be located in Clark Library's Popular Books section

Book cover for popular nonfiction book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

The above book:

  • Authored by an award winning writer
  • Published by Random House
  • Written for a lay audience
  • Narrative or biographical story
  • Review from popular sources: Salon, The Economist, Sports Illustrated,, New York Times | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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