"[Present] a brief case study in the global history of sports. Your case study must be driven primarily by primary sources using the databases available to you through the University of Portland’s library website. As seen in the attached rubric, you must use at least 5 (five) unique (though related) primary sources. This could mean five news articles, three news articles and two photos, etc."
Search tips for many library databases:
Add * to the start of a word to find all possible endings: sport* finds sport, sports, sporting, sportsmen, sportswomen, etc.
Combine words with NEAR, e.g., [women NEAR athlet*]
Tip for brainstorming search terms: use vocabulary of the time instead of contemporary wording.
You can also browse by date!
UP Library Search is a useful tool for locating primary sources from UP, Summit, and beyond. UP Library Search FAQ
Add one of these terms to your UP Library Search keyword search. For example: bicycl* sources
In your America: History and Life search results you will see a Get it @ UP link. This is a special tool to help connect you to full text.
If the Get it @ UP link doesn't connect you, or anything is confusing, use the Clark Library's Interlibrary Loan (UP ILLiad) service to request the item. UP ILLiad can also obtain copies of primary sources if you have a citation.
library@up.edu | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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