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University of Portland Clark Library

NRS 208: Transition into Professional Nursing: Finding Articles

Finding Nursing Articles

Filtering Your Search Results

Improve your search by using the following options to limit your search:

  • Peer Reviewed
  • Publication Date (try limiting your search to the past 5-7 years)
  • Subject: Major Heading (limit your search to articles that focus on your topic; also helps you to identify the best search terms for your topic)

CINAHL limit options with Peer Review, Publication Date, and Subject: Major Heading highlighted

Relevant CINAHL Subject Headings

Nursing as a Profession
Nursing Role
Professional Image
Professional Role

Self Regulation

Professional Identity


Note: add "AND nurs*" to any term that does not include "Nursing," to limit your search to articles about nurses or nursing. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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