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University of Portland Clark Library

DNP / Nursing Transfer Students Orientation: Managing Your Citations

Reference Manager Tools

Reference managers and quick citation generators can automatically format citations in the style you need. We recommend ZoteroBib for generating quick citations and Zotero as a reference manager.

A reference manager is a useful productivity tool for your research and writing projects because you can:

  • Collect and organize your sources in one place
  • Create bibliographies for papers in the style you need
  • Add full-text documents to your account and annotate them
  • Share sources with others for group projects

Managing Your Search

⇒ Set up a personal EBSCO account
Some of the library's education databases are provided through the EBSCOhost platform. Setting up an EBSCO account enables you to save results and searches, so you can access them later.

1. Select the Sign In link in the purple bar at the top of an EBSCO search screen. 

2. Choose the Sign up link above the user login box.

3. Fill out the form.

  • You can use any email address. It does not have to be your UP address.
  • You do not need to use your UP username and password. 

4. You can sign into your account from within any Ebsco database. Make sure to sign in before you start searching, so you can access any results or searches you saved later on.

⇒ Creating Search Alerts within My EBSCOhost | video tutorial

Creating Journal Alerts within My EBSCOhost | video tutorial
(Note: Use Education Source. This feature is not available in ERIC.) | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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