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University of Portland Clark Library

THE 105: Engaging Ultimate Questions: Religion, Faith, and Ethics (Prendergast): Finding Books

Class Activity: Find a Print Book

  1. In the Search for Books box below, search for: Vatican II Judaism
  2. Your group should locate 1 book that is available in the Book Stacks.
  3. Write down or take a photo of the call number
  4. We will go to the lower floor to find the book on the shelf and bring it back to the Classroom.
  5. Skim the table of contents, or the beginning of the Introduction or first chapter, for a quick fact or piece of information about the relationship between Vatican II and Judaism.
  6. Add the information you learned into the OneDrive document.

Class Activity: Using an eBook

  1. Access the eBook: Nostra Aetate: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Catholic Church's Dialogue with Jews and Muslims
  2. Browse the table of contents and find a chapter that talks about the relationship between the Catholic Church and any other religion (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc.)
  3. Open the chapter you chose and skim the first page or two of the chapter. Add something that you learned about the relationship between Catholicism and the other religious tradition into the OneDrive document.

Search for Books

Search: for:  

Use UP Library Search to find books, streaming videos, online resources, journal articles, and much more (video tutorial). Need help? See handouts for using call numbers to find books on the shelf and Requesting Clark Library / Summit Items online. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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