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1. The search box for UP Library Search operates a lot like Google. The more words you type, the more focused your search will be.
2. You can put quotes around a phrase, for example if you're looking for a specific title.
3. Once you've put a search together, your results screen has filters to help you focus your search. Some that you might use frequently are Peer-reviewed Articles, and specific formats on the Format list. You can select Show More to see the full list of options.
4. To look for any of several words, you can put OR between them. The "OR" has to be in all caps.
5. If you want to add another word that should appear in all results, you can put parentheses around the words you put together with “OR," to group them.
6. If you want to include words that all start out the same way, you can put an asterisk (Shift + 8) on the end of the common part to find them. The search shown here for "japan*" will find japan, japan's, japanese, etc. (The system is not case- sensitive). | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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