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University of Portland Clark Library

Zotero: Organize Your Library

Creating folders

Organize your library by creating folders, which are called collections in Zotero. You might find it helpful to organize items by course, theme, or topic. Create a new collection by choosing the "New Collection" icon or right-clicking on "My Library" and choosing "New Collection." 

Screenshot of New Collection icon in Zotero

You can also create subfolders by right-clicking on a collection and choosing "New Subcollection." Right-clicking on a collection will also give you the option to rename or delete a collection. 

Adding notes and tags

You can add notes and tags to items in your Zotero library. There are tabs for notes and tags in the right-hand pane next to the "Info" tab. 

Screenshot showing Notes tab with "Add" button

Tags provide another way for you to organize your library. You can search by tags using the "All Fields & Tags" search box. Some databases automatically include tags (or keywords) when you add an item to your library. You can disable automatic tagging in Zotero's General preferences | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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