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University of Portland Clark Library

Common and shared LibGuides content: Summit

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Summit Requesting Details

What is Summit?

What can I request from Summit?

  • Books, DVDs, CDs, and other physical items

How do I request items from Summit?

  • Use UP Library Search.
  • When you find an item you wish to request, choose the title of the item to see the full details.
  • Choose Sign in, and enter your UP username and password.
  • Choose Request from Summit.
  • Select Request.

How long does it take for Summit items to arrive?

  • About a week.

How will I know when my Summit item is available?

  • You will receive an email from the library indicating that your item is ready to be picked up from the Service Desk during our open hours. You will have one week to come in to pick it up.

How long can I borrow Summit items?

  • 12 weeks for all items (books, DVDs, etc.)

Can Summit items be renewed?

How can I return items?

  • Bring them to the Service Desk during our open hours, or drop them in our book drop, to the left of the main entrance.

Requesting Clark Library & Summit Items | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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