Identifies industry clusters of “traded sector” companies, so called because they sell products and services outside of Oregon. Traded-sector companies tend to cluster because they draw competitive advantage from proximity to a skilled workforce, to specialized suppliers, and to a shared base of sophisticated knowledge about their industry.
This technology trade association aims to "create a world-class and inclusive innovation economy in Oregon and SW Washington." (from the web site).The "TAO Blog" page has news and executive briefs about the local technology industry.
"Travel Oregon initiates original research by contracting with professional researchers, purchases relevant studies, and partners with others to develop research that will benefit Oregon." (from the web site)
Access to national and local industry statistics. Run by the Census Bureau, the Economic Census aims to count every business establishment in the United States. Occurs every 5 years in years ending in 2 and 7; data typically reported 2-3 years later.