Business journals and magazines, company profiles, market research reports, and more. Includes content from reference books such as Market Share Reporter, Business Rankings Annual, and Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries. Some full text.
Drill down through the NAICS hierarchy or search by keyword. Link to reports on top companies globally or in one of 16 countries, and to reports on emerging industries as well as reports from Plunkett Research.
U.S. and international company data, including financials, equity pricing, insider trading, and institutional holdings. Includes some private companies. Sustainability module evaluates companies on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. Get to know the new Mergent Market Atlas interface!Restricted to UP students, faculty and staff, for research purposes only.
Market research and industry news covering sports equipment sales, sports participation, sports broadcasting, sports sponsorship and sports marketing. Full text.
Access to national and local industry statistics. Run by the Census Bureau, the Economic Census aims to count every business establishment in the United States. Occurs every 5 years in years ending in 2 and 7; data typically reported 2-3 years later.
Statista provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on 150 countries and over 600 industries.
Full text for this financial newspaper of record with in-depth coverage of national and international finance as well as news. 1984 - present. Learn how to find current issues online.