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University of Portland Clark Library

ED 539: Institutional Research, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education and Student Affairs: Types of Information Sources

Types of Information Sources

Report of Experiment or Phenomena Time Frame Level of Detail Review Process Where to Look Written by Audience
Conference Proceedings Presented immediately, sometimes published 1-2 years later Moderate
(5-20 pages)
Possible peer-review Article Databases
Conference websites
Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees), graduate students Scholars, specialists, and graduate students
Journal articles  Average 3-9 months Moderate
(5-20 pages)
Formal peer-review process Library catalog
Article databases
Journal website
Google Scholar
Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees), graduate students Scholars, specialists, and students
Review articles Average 1-2 years Moderate
(5-20 pages)
Formal peer-review process Library catalog
Article databases
Journal website
Google Scholar
Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees), graduate students Scholars, specialists, and students
White Papers, Technical Reports and Government Documents Months to years Light to Moderate
(5-8 pages pages)
No formal peer-review process Google Scholar
Online collections of reports/white papers
Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees), graduate students Audience varies depending on document or report

Books, eBooks
(academic monographs)

Average 1-3 years Lengthy
(100+ pages)
Editorial process, not peer-review Library catalog
Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees), graduate students General public to specialists
Dissertations Average 1-3 years Lengthy
(100+ pages)
Dissertation advisor and committee members, not peer-review Google Scholar, ProQuest Dissertations database Graduate students earning doctoral degrees Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees), graduate students
Reference Sources, Encyclopedias Average 10 years Brief
(range from a few paragraphs to a few pages)
Editorial process, not peer-review Library catalog
Online collections of reference works
Specialists in the field (usually with doctoral degrees) General public to specialists
Websites and Blogs Seconds/minutes to years Brief
(range from a few paragraphs to a few pages)
none Web search tools Anyone General public to specialists

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