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University of Portland Clark Library

MEd / EdD: Graduate Programs (Edmonton): Finding Dissertations

Why Use Dissertations?

Dissertations may be useful to your research in a variety of ways:

  • For EdD students, dissertations provide examples of how others have conducted their research and structured their dissertation
  • Dissertations are often useful sources of tests and measures that are freely available and have been assessed for validity and reliability.
  • Dissertations provide a thorough review of the literature; the bibliography may be a gold mine of additional relevant research on your topic.

Searching for Dissertations

Dissertations written by UP Graduates

See EdD dissertations written by University of Portland students

More Places to Search: Open Access Dissertations

Many dissertation authors now choose to make their dissertations freely available online via their university's institutional repository. Try the resources below to locate these open access dissertations.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations
Search open access graduate theses and dissertations from over 1,000 colleges and universities around the world.

Digital Collections Network
Search open-access dissertations, articles (and much more) included in the institutional repositories of hundreds of universities and colleges. Search for your topic, then on the left sidebar, limit your search to Publication Type = Theses/Dissertations.

Google Scholar
Google Scholar also includes the full-text of many open access dissertations; however, there isn't a straightforward way to limit a search to only find dissertations.

Institutional Repositories in Oregon & Washington: | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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