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University of Portland Clark Library

MEd / EdD: Graduate Programs (Edmonton): Finding Tests & Measures

Caveats about Finding Tests & Measures:

Obtaining tests and measures can be complicated and their availability varies.

  • Published/Commercial tests often charge for their use. Some require users to have specific licenses or credentials to access them. For these type of tests, you may only be able to find test reviews or studies that cite them.
  • Unpublished/Noncommercial tests are often more accessible and do not charge for their use. These tests may be located within journal articles, dissertations, books, or ERIC documents.
  • Try the databases below to find test and measures, or contact us for more help with locating a test on your topic.

Searching for Tests using APA PsycTESTS

APA PsycTESTS is a fantastic source of tests but it depends on your topic. Try a quick search or two; if you're not finding anything relevant, try searching the education databases and ProQuest Dissertations instead.

Searching for tests using ERIC

Searching for tests using Education Source

Searching for Tests using ProQuest Dissertations

Dissertations can be a gold mine for locating sample surveys and instruments, since the dissertation often includes a copy of the test or survey that was used during the dissertation research as an appendix. To locate dissertations, search:

Tips for ProQuest Dissertations

Arrows pointing to Abstract tab, Download PDF button

For a quick overview of the dissertation's topic (and insight into the author's research methods), view the Abstract/Details. Choose Download PDF to see the full dissertation.

Appedix section of Table of Contents of dissertation is highlighted

Survey instruments are usually included in the appendices at the end of the dissertation. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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