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University of Portland Clark Library

Inclusive Leadership

Tools Overview

This page aggregates all of the practical tools listed on other pages of this guide into a single place for easy access.

Unaware: Practical Tools

Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research. (2023). Toolkit. University of Sussex. 

Explorance. (2023). 360 degree feedback

Project Implicit. (2011).  Project Implicit.

Aware: Practical Tools

Dallas Center for Mindfulness and Compassion. (2021). Programs & events.

Inclusive Leaders Group. (2023). Inclusive leadership - Self assessment.

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. (2021). Implicit bias toolkit

National Equity Project. (n.d.) Equity tools.

University of Southern California. (2020, November 5). Diversity toolkit: A guide to discussing identity, power and privilege.

Active: Practical Tools

Advocate: Practical Tools

O'Meara, K., Culpepper, D., Misra, J., & Jaeger, A. (2022). Equity-minded faculty workloads: Worksheet booklet. American Council on Education

Self-Compassion: Practical Tools

Dallas Center for Mindfulness and Compassion. (2021). Programs & events. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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