"Inclusive leaders. This kind of leadership is a conglomeration of six behaviors: ensuring that team members speak up and are heard; making it safe to propose novel ideas; empowering team members to make decisions; taking advice and implementing feedback; giving actionable feedback; and sharing credit for team success." (Sherbin & Rashid, 2017)
CohenMiller, A., & Jermstad, M.A. (2023, November 13). Nontraditional students still feel left out: And 3 ways to enhance inclusion in higher education. Inside Higher Ed.
Mendez. D. (2021, November 15). Implementing meaningful measures to hire, retain, and cultivate diverse talent in higher education. National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Sherbin, L., & Rashid, R. (2018, February 1). Diversity doesn't stick without inclusion. Harvard Business Review.
DeMatthews, D. (2021). Undoing systems of exclusion: Exploring inclusive leadership and systems thinking in two inclusive elementary schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 5-21.
Edwards, J. (2022). Discrimination and exclusion in higher education Is reflected in multiple autoethnographies. Qualitative Report, 27(10), 2113–2134.
Randel, A.E., Galvin, B.M., Shore, L.M., Ehrhart, K.H., Chung, B.G., Dean, M.A. & Kedharnath, U. (2018). Inclusive leadership: Realizing positive outcomes through belongingness and being valued for uniqueness. Human Resource Management Review, 28(2), 190-203.
Teaching + Learning Lab. (2023, February 16). Fostering a sense of belonging in college [Video].
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