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University of Portland Clark Library

MEd / EdD: Graduate Programs (Edmonton): Citing Sources: APA

APA Style (7th ed.) - UP Library Help

What's a DOI?

DOI = Digital Object Identifier

This is a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to some journal articles. It's becoming more common for journal articles in the social sciences and sciences. If you find a source that has as DOI, include that in an APA style citation.

Example with DOI:

Goff, W., & Veresov, N. (2015). Examining teacher-researcher collaboration through the cultural interface. Cultural Studies Of Science Education, 10(3), 621-627.

No DOI? Then just cite it as you normally would. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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