These are transcripts for videos in this orientation guide and are listed alphabetically by the title of the video.
This video introduces you to library guides created by your Clark Library Librarians. Choose the Library Guides tab from the library's homepage to browse and connect to them. Wondering what there is for your area of study? Choose a Subject Guide to see which unique library databases and other quality sources are available within each guide. For example, biology, you'll find pages to help you locate types of sources such as articles, books, and videos. And in the case of biology, introduce you to a unique database, Visible Body, for anatomy and physiology. These guides also have tips on citing sources for your assignments. Course Guides support specific courses, often ones that have had a guest visit from a librarian. For courses with multiple sections, for example, English 107 College Writing, you might see a customized guide for each professor if their approach to the course is different. Course Guides may also give you search tips to efficiently find the information you need or to serve as a reminder of where to look. We know that do-it-yourself support isn't always enough. Contact us for live help. All guides include the ways that you can reach us. We're here to help you. Give yourself an advantage in doing academic research by exploring library guides related to your major courses or other areas of interest.
Clark Library has a Course Reserves service that professors can use to make assigned course readings available to students in one place. How can you connect to course reserves? Start at the library homepage. Choose the Course Reserves tab, then the Login to Course Reserves link. The Moodle page for your class might also have a direct link to course reserves.
Enter your UP credentials and select the Log on to Course Reserves button. A list of your courses using this service will display. If a course doesn't appear, that means your professor is not using it. Hover over the title of a course you want to view until it is highlighted in yellow. Then select. Now you can see the items your professor has made available.
Readings can include a range of sources such as books, book chapters, articles, and even websites. The default display list items alphabetically by journal or book title. You can choose to sort by author or use a search box at the top of each column to find a specific reading. To access an online reading hover until it turns yellow and select. Many readings are available online, which is very convenient when you need to read them. Other items are available as print items that can be checked out from the library Service Desk on the main floor and borrowed for a limited time - usually four hours. Those items will have a call number instead of online for location. If there's a print item you want to check out, choose the link. Then you can also check the availability of the item to see if anyone else in your class has it in the moment. If you pass over into the availability page and it says available, then you can go to the main desk and get it. All you need is your UP ID to borrow it.
Additional features include the ability to add items to my favorites by selecting them with the checkbox. Make sure to go to the bottom and choose the Add Checked Items to My Favorites. Now, on your course main menu, you'll see the favorites at the top above the list of courses. You can easily remove them when you're done, and possibly add other ones as you work through your readings for a semester. For each course, you can also subscribe to an e-mail alert to receive an e-mail if any new items are added to your course later in the semester. In the top menu, Student Tools gives you a way to manage your favorites, as well as search items across all your courses.
After you search, in many cases the entire source will be included within your list of results. You might see HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text. [Select HTML Full Text] The HTML Full Text is on the same page as the article information; it’s presented as one long page with no pictures. The PDF Full Text looks just like the original publication.
And then sometimes you will only see an abstract or description and no full text. In those cases, the full text is not far away! All you have to do is use the Get it @ UP link. The Get it @ UP tool searches our library’s subscriptions to locate the full text.
After you select Get it @ UP, the next page shows you where the full text is available. Select a link under Get it now to connect and download it.
If there are no links to full text, or if a link does not connect you to the right place to get full text, then we will get it from another library and deliver it to you within a few days. Choose Request from Interlibrary Loan.
If you’re already logged in to a UP app such as Pilots or Moodle, you’ll connect automatically; if you’re not already connected, just enter your UP credentials and you’re in!
The required information will be filled in for you, and you can select the Submit Request button to complete the transaction. Within three days you should receive an email with a link back to UP ILLiad, where the PDF of the article is ready for you. Access your UP ILLiad account to download it to your computer. The PDF will leave your account after 30 days, or you can delete it before then. Contact the Research Desk if you have any questions!
Hello! This video will introduce you to the Clark Library's library catalog, also called UP Library Search. You can access it through the search box in the middle of the library's homepage, which is It's a great starting point for your research because it's a gateway to discovering millions of books, videos, articles, and more available to you through the Clark Library and beyond. UP Library Search contains several collections, and you can change the dropdown menu to search the one that's right for you.
One search is for online resources such as e-books and online articles.
You can limit to the resources that we own, not including articles, with the UP Only search, or expand to include Summit, which is a group of Pacific Northwest libraries that University of Portland belongs to, that you can request books, videos, and other physical items from.
This collection also does not include articles, but the largest collection in UP Library Search adds articles to the mix, and you can access the complete copy of many of those articles.
In this video, we're going to focus on plagiarism. So let's begin with a definition. Plagiarism occurs when you use information from another source and then fail to give proper credit to that source, usually through a citation. It doesn't matter if you copy information word for word, or if you change or rearrange words. If you fail to give credit, It's still plagiarism and you can still get in trouble for it.
There are two types of plagiarism. The first, intentional plagiarism, occurs when someone purposely tries to pass the ideas of others off as their own. And the second, unintentional plagiarism, occurs when someone doesn't understand plagiarism well enough to know that what they've done is, in fact, plagiarism. Both intentional and unintentional plagiarism are wrong. Avoiding either type begins with knowing what plagiarism is and ends with always remembering to cite your sources.
So now that you have some basic knowledge about what plagiarism is, the next step is learning strategies for avoiding it. First, put down the copy and paste. Second, use quotation marks. Third, paraphrase or summarize. Fourth, make it about you. And finally, cite your sources. Let's talk about these five strategies in a bit more detail.
Strategy one, put down the copy and paste. Well, copy and paste is a great shortcut for capturing and transferring words and images. Using it too much can lead to situations where you might lose track of where the original text came from or that it originally came from someone else's work at all. Making notes on what you're reading, rather than lifting it completely from the original source, will help you process and understand the information, so when it does come time to write your paper or give a presentation, it will be easier to resist the impulse to take a shortcut strategy to use quotations. What's tempting about using the exact wording from the original source is that the author may have made the exact point you wanted to make, but you just couldn't find the right words to say it. And when they've already said it so well, making changes may just seem like a waste of energy.
The good news is that it's okay to use the original author's exact wording, but only if you remember to put quotes around it and give proper credit. This shows you not only have good taste, but you also know how to give credit where it's due.
Strategy three, paraphrase or summarize. Quoting is all well and good. But it's not as though you can string together a bunch of quotes and just hand in that for your assignment. You need to show your own thinking as well, including the connections you're making between the readings you are doing and the ideas you're learning. Instead of using direct quotes, you can paraphrase or summarize the original source in your own words. Keep in mind that paraphrasing is more than just changing a few words or rearranging the ideas. It's okay if the ideas or someone else's, so long as the citation is in place and the words are your own.
Strategy four: make it about you. When it comes to the paper you are writing, remember that you are the star. Your paper should be all about you: Your ideas about what you're learning in class, your interpretation of the sources you've found and the connections you are making between all of these things. You are showing what you know and how you know it. Remember that the sources you use are there to support your ideas and thoughts, not the other way around.
Strategy five: cite your information in writing. Citation serves two purposes. The first is to give credit to those whose words we have used in our own writing. The second is to tell your reader where you got your information, so if they want to look further into the topic, they know where to find it. For these reasons, citation is the only surefire way to avoid plagiarism. It tells your readers where you got your information and where they can get it too. Accurately formatting citations can be tricky. But luckily, there is help.
Your instructor will tell you what format to use, usually either APA, MLA, or Chicago style. Once you know which format you're using, there are online and print materials that will tell you how to cite a variety of sources.
There are also writing tutors and librarians on campus who can help you get it right.
As a note, if you choose to use a citation generator to create your citations, remember that the citations they give you will often contain errors. So you always want to check those citations to make sure they're accurate. And then you're good to go.
Hello! My name is Xan Arch and I'm the Dean of the Clark Library. The Clark Library is really the center of collaboration and learning on this campus. Our goals are to provide information that supports the curriculum, and help students use the information, both effectively and ethically, to support their academic endeavors.
As a learning that happens in UP classrooms, it really comes to the library, actually, to be solidified through study, to be discussed in groups, and to be built upon for further understanding. And we facilitate this through our study spaces, through our extensive collections that help jump-start that research, and by helping students understand and develop lifelong research skills. We truly support all students regardless of major, year in school, or interests. Even if you don't study in the library, we have online databases and eBooks for you to access in your dorm room. And we have librarians that come into your courses to help you develop research skills.
I feel like our work is really unique here in that we are touching so many aspects of a student's academic career. And we're doing so for everyone who comes to this university. I am proudest of our commitment to continuously improve our service to campus. Please come visit us, learn about our services. You are welcome here. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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