AADSTS50105: Your administrator has configured the application Library Account (‘a43a9824-0f22-400b-8d7a-dc915de56919’) to block users unless they are specifically granted (‘assigned’) access to the application. The signed in user ‘[username]@up.edu’ is blocked because they are not a direct member of a group with access, nor had access directly assigned by an administrator. Please contact your administrator to assign access to this application.
This user has a valid UP network username and password but they are not assigned to one of the single sign-on user groups that allows access to the library's online resources (e.g. students, faculty, staff, etc.).
This might be a user who should have library access but is not currently in an eligible group because they are an incoming student, a user who is on leave, or someone with temporary credentials.
Alternatively, this may be a user who is not eligible for library access (such as alumni). Alumni who return to UP as either a graduate student or employee should obtain and use new credentials from Information Services that reflect their current status.
library@up.edu | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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