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University of Portland Clark Library

Troubleshooting Access to Resources

About this Guide

Are you getting an error message when trying to access library resources?

Use the left sidebar tabs to see troubleshooting tips for common error messages, try the suggested workarounds, or contact us for assistance.

How Do I Access Resources from Off-Campus?

  1. Go to the A-Z Databases list or the Subject Guides.
  2. Choose any database link.
  3. If you are off-campus, you may be prompted to login with your UP network username and password (unless you have already signed in to other university systems such as Moodle or Pilots).
  4. After you login, you will be connected to the database.

Contact Us for Assistance

Please contact us and share the following information:

  • The resource you were trying to access, including where you found the link
  • The text (or screen capture) of the error message you are seeing
  • Which browser you are using (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)

24/7 Chat: Library Chat

Research Desk Phone: 503.943.7788 (1.800.841.8261 x7788)

Email: | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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