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University of Portland Clark Library

Troubleshooting Access to Resources

Suggested Workarounds

  • Try a different browser (for example, if you are using Safari, try Google Chrome).
  • Try logging into another UP resource, such as PilotsUP or Moodle. This may help to determine if the problem is with your UP username/password, or with access to library databases.
  • Try to access a different database, to determine if the problem is only with 1 resource or access to any resource.
  • Try using a Virtual Desktop. Once you connect to the virtual desktop, you will be treated as if you are on-campus (so you shouldn't have to login to access library resources). See instructions for accessing the virtual desktop.

Linking to Library Resources for Off-Campus Use

Links to library resources many need an off-campus access prefix to be added to the URL in order for the link to work from both on- and off-campus. Add this prefix using the Off-Campus Link Generator (below). 

For more information, see the Persistent Links to Library Resources guide.

Off-Campus Link Generator

Use the Off-Campus Link Generator to get stable and sharable links to items within library databases for adding to Moodle or course syllabi.

Step 1. Obtain a persistent link to an item.

Step 2. Paste your persistent URL here. (Note: URL must start with http:// or https://)
Step 3. Choose the "Create Link" button below
Step 4. Copy the converted link (press Ctrl + C)

Your off-campus link is ready to be shared!

Note: this link generator works by adding the off-campus prefix ( ) to the beginning of the URL. | 503.943.7111 or 800.841.8261 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798
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