ERIC Database Source Types | EJ = ERIC Journal
Journal articles indexed by the US Department of Education. Includes peer reviewed journals, as well as professional newsletters and magazines. |
ED = ERIC Document
Non-journal sources indexed and collected by the US Department of Education. Includes reports, conference papers, issue papers, monographs, lesson plans, and more. Not peer reviewed. |
ERIC database citation |
By: Canuto, Abigail Thea O. International Journal of Whole Schooling, v11 n1 p1-15 Jan 2015. (EJ1048089)
By: Croasdaile, Susanne. Online Submission, Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Annual, Chicago, IL, 2007). 2007 14 pp. (ED505866) |
APA style citation | Canuto, A. O. (2015). Reflections on theory and pedagogy of challenges in facilitating children's dialogues in the community of inquiry. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 11(1), 1-15. | Croasdaile, S. (2007). What makes teachers reflect to improve their practice? Reflective practice in a social-organizational context. Retrieved from ERIC Database. (ED505866). |
This tutorial presents advanced strategies for searching the ERIC database for education research, including identifying relevant search terms, accessing full text, and saving citations.
Within the EBSCO databases such as ERIC and Education Source, the left-hand Publication limiter can help you see the top journals in your search results.
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